The Flow of Time: Lockdown, Day 27

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was. Writers are like that: remembering where we were, what valley we ran through, what the banks were like, the light that was there and the route back to our original place. It is emotional memory—what the nerves and the skin remember as well as how it appeared.

Toni MorrisonThe Site of Memory

Lockdown Day 27


Someone sent me an email about my Lockdown blog the other day. He said: ‘Thank you for sharing about your life, your family and your concerns – it is probably making a bigger difference to folk who read it than you realise’.

I’m so grateful for his message. I think we all need a kind word these days. So, if someone shares one with you, pass it on. If you don’t get one, pass it on anyway and it’ll catch you on the way back.


Picture of the River Mersey at Rock Ferry ©Bobby Seal

About Bobby Seal

Freelance writer, poet and psychogeographer
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